Marija Juracic: Three poems

Poetryzine magazine presents the selected poems by the Croatian poet Marija Juracic


I give you these poems
if you return to me the verses
for you written.

Give me back my flowers
of white wax
of a blue dream.

And return to me the burned candles
and I’ll give you a full glass
of black stars
out the eye dropped.
If this isn’t a real song
because in a real song I would never say
that you are a swindler and a thief
than my soul and my gold
still give me back my songs.

If you want,
I’ll lie to you
female blurred,
smooth, twisted
I didn’t write never to you a verse,
that it’s all just nonsense,
the lazy game
the play he and she
since time immemorial
I’ll confide you
I bathe in a mountain lake at night
with a full moon
the wind comes to visit my
that the birches tell me all your secrets
and my wolf friends
guard the little squirrels from the beasts.

But give me back my verses.
They are not written for you.
They are written for Love.

Translated into English by Marin Mamic


Dat ću ti ovu pjesmu
Ako mi vratiš  stihove
za tebe napisane,
ako mi vratiš cvijeće
od bijeloga voska
od modroga sna.

I nagorene svijeće mi vrati
a ja ću ti punu čašu
onih crnih zvijezda dati
s oka nakapanih.
Ako ovo i nije prava pjesma
jer u pravoj te pjesmi nikada
ne bih nazvala opsjenarom, tatom
nego dušom svojom, zlatom
ti mi ipak vrati moje pjesme.

Ako hoćeš, lagat ću ti
ženski zamagljeno,
mazno, uvijeno
da nikada tebi
nisam napisala stih,
da sve je to samo glupost,
igra dokona
ona što je od iskona igraju
On i Ona..

Priznat ću ti da se noću
u gorskom jezeru
s punim Mjesecom kupam
da mi vjetar u pohode dolazi
da mi breze otkrivaju sve tvoje tajne
i da su moji prijatelji vukovi
koji male vjeverice od zvijeri čuvaju.

Ali, vrati mi moje stihove.
Nisu oni za tebe pisani.
Oni su pisani za Ljubav.

Objavljeno 2013. u zbirci “Pisci, ljubav i ostale trice”, a na portalu „Očaravanje“2016.


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